Friday 2 January 2015

A mighty fine walk: Pic de Luc

Another walk from the François Ribard book, chosen for ease of access to the start by car, and safety of walking. I've previously posted about Le Claps (a massive 15th Century rockfall near Luc-en-Diois), and today's jaunt started with a quick photo-opportunity there, followed by a walk to the top of the mountain that supplied the rockfall. I reckoned that the odds of the lump of mountain we were walking on falling off in similar fashion was low enough to warrant getting the view from the top.

Well, in brief, a very pleasant walk through woods, and around and up the hill to the 1084m pic was rewarded with one of the most amazing panoramas I've ever seen. The views by themselves would have been enough, but there was a glistening winter scene up there straight out of a film-maker's over-the-top imagination, enough to put silly grins on all three of our faces. Apart from one slightly 'airy' bit near the top (which was perfectly safe), there was nothing at all challenging, and would be a superb way for anyone to pass four or so hours ... depending on how long you spend taking photos.
Incidentally, if you do this walk, keep your eyes peeled for the tiny sign on the right taking you off the main track onto the Pic de Luc path (see the fourth photo) - we missed it (which happily led us to the rather interesting rocks pictured), and only backtracked when we decided that the path we were on was going down when it should have been going up the mountain.

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